About The Baby Sleep Specialist

My name is Deanna and I am the proud Mum of two young boys.
I developed my business The Baby Sleep Specialist once I became a mother and realised that sleep isn’t something that comes naturally to all children. It was my desire to overcome the challenges with getting babies to establish a good sleep routine that led me to become a certified infant and child sleep specialist. These qualifications are also strongly supported by my background in Secondary Teaching which I have undertaken for the past 10 years.
I can honestly say I never understood how vitally important sleep really is, for the mind, body and soul and not just for the infant or child but for the parents as well. After raising my own boys and studying the importance of a good sleep pattern, I am now proud to share my personal experiences. My services to families include phone, skype or in-home assessments allowing you to choose an option that best suits your needs and location. I truly believe that sleep issues can be resolved as we work together to understand your baby or child and plan strategies that best work for all of you.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to sleep training. I work collaboratively with each and every family to develop options that will best suit the child and strategies that the parents feel comfortable implementing. After our initial consult together, you will receive a written ‘Sleep Assessment’ with all the relevant information we discussed as well as an individualised sleep plan for you to follow with your infant or child. During the following two weeks I will check on your progress and offer any advice you might need. I am available via phone, Facebook or email to provide ongoing support and encourage you to ask questions and raise concerns during this initial two week period when you need to.
I am a firm believer that sleep issues can be resolved and am happy to work with your family to develop a plan that fits with your lifestyle and expectations.